Classic, timeless, beautiful boudoir photos to cherish for a lifetime...
Who wants to feel like a #model in a magazine? Well the question is really, who doesn't! We get so caught up in the monotony of day-to-day of life that we sometimes forget that we are goddesses that deserve some pampering. Lets embrace our beauty, love ourselves and let loose for once! Even if no one but you sees these photos, it will be worth it.
When you choose a #boudoirstudio, it is so important to make sure that the company has a reputable brand, lots of experience and also takes privacy very seriously. Good reviews and someone who takes time to do a #boudoirconsultation is also something to think about. I believe in word of mouth for most companies I choose to use for most things I do. Whether I am getting my hair done, picking a good restaurant or shopping at a local boutique.
#boudoirphotography is such a vulnerable experience, I truly believe that you should have a lot of resources and make sure to not weigh only price but also experience as well. I love giving my clients the #ultimateboudoirexperience by allowing a lot of time for their session, making sure they are fully comfortable and having a good time at their session.

Photo of #weddingring with sexy pink lips
Boudoir style....what is that all about?
There are a lot of different styles of boudoir to choose from. Some people like #naturallightboudoir while others prefer a #moodyboudoir look. What is your style? I personally like a mix of both, #naughty and nice....

Moody #silhouette of gorgeous Miss S
When you choose #beautyinboudoir for your #boudoirsession I make sure that you get the photos you want, if you are unsure about the style you like we can chat and together we will figure it out. I am here for you and help you throughout the process. If you want some inspiration, sometimes peeking at magazines like FHM can help to give you some insight into different lighting and moods.

Themed shoots can also be fun! #stlouiscardinalsboudoir
Sometimes just wearing a sports jersey for a #themedboudoirsession can be fun! Lets get dressed up and showoff that #fangirl spirit!
To book a #boudoirphotoshoot with Beauty In Boudoir, call us at 636-577-8583 to get on the books today!
<3 Traci